The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Prostrate Cancer

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recent scientific studies have shown that diet plays an important role in preventing prostrate cancer in men. So, what people eat and drink and eat and drink can significantly lower your risk of developing this disease.

to drink, green tea contains powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols which fight against a group of cancers, including prostrate cancer.

Two to four cups of coffee a day is recommended and men at high risk should take into account the extract.

International Journal of Cancer Research in January 2005 reported that the study of 1456 middle-aged men concluded that those who drank four or more glasses of red wine per week reduced the risk of prostrate cancer 48%.

Another study showed that drinking two glasses of pomegranate juice daily was beneficial. However, it is a small study, but additional studies are in progress. Like green tea, pomegranate juice is also high in polyphenols.

is recommended foods, especially tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that combats malignancy.

What is nice about lycopene is that cooking improves the concentration so you do not have to be concerned about finding fresh tomatoes, as is the case with other beneficial fruits and vegetables. You can get the maximum benefit from tomato sauce, ketchup and cooked tomatoes.

Lycopene is better absorbed in the company of a little fat. Therefore, we should add a bit of monosaturated fats such as olive oil, tomato sauce. Mixed with pasta makes for a healthy and tasty meal.

recommended that cruciferous vegetables that are high in the fight against cancer, such as agents of indoles and sulforaphane, eat often. Cruciferous vegetables as cabbage, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale and collards. And men who eat six servings of vegetables a day are less likely to develop enlarged prostrate.

soy foods are also important in the diet, such as a rich food source of isoflavones, which are supposed to help balance hormone levels.

, and fatty fish was found to reduce inflammation and protect against metastases.
Men who do not care for wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring and black cod can take supplements of fish in the amount of 1-2 grams per day of oil. It is important to choose wild salmon has farmed fish do not offer the same protection.

People who love chili peppers will be pleased to learn that capsaicin, which is responsible for the bitter taste is believed to destroy cancer cells. However, research into the benefits of capsaicin was performed on mice, not people.

flaxseed containing lignans, is believed to protect against all hormone driven cancers including breast, ovarian and bespomoćan.Studija conducted in prostrate cancer patients concluded that daily intake of flaxseed with a low fat diet actually slowed the growth of cancer between diagnosis and surgery.

There May also be the year of the connection between prostrate cancer and prehrane.Harvard study suggests that prostrate cancer in younger men is hormone driven, and inflammation is the main culprit with older men. Therefore, foods that help normalize hormone levels such as soy products and flaxseed may be beneficial for younger men and those that fight inflammation, such as lycopene may be beneficial in the diet of older people.

However more research needs to be done, but none of these foods and drinks are harmful to the body, and that could be helpful certainly make them smart nutritional choices.

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