Prostate Cancer Research Studies Vote 'Soy Yes, Dairy No'

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

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Controversy abounds on this subject, however, numerous studies over the past ten years have shown a solid link between the risk of prostate cancer and dairy potroĆĄnje.Kohortna study just published in mid 2005 by the American Journal of Nutrition showed that men with the highest dietary intake of dairy foods were 2.2 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than men with the lowest dietary intake of dairy products.

First of theories circulated about the rise in IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Hormone), seen in the milk they drink. High levels of IGF-1 are directly associated with various hormonal cancers. Although this theory may still hold some validity, the survey revealed a potential cause of which is further heated debate about milk and prostate cancer, research has shown kalcij.Isto points above the 2.2 times increased risk of prostate cancer for men with the highest dietary calcium intake than those with the lowest. Another study in 2001 to observe more than 20,000 people, and concluded that men who consumed more than 600mg a day of calcium from dairy products was 32% higher risk of prostate cancer than men who consumed less than 150mg of daily calcium from dairy products. This came as quite a shock, because the USDA recommends at least 1200mg of calcium per day for men over 50, and 1000mg for men aged 19-50 years. These studies have prompted more medical research into the possible calcium dairy-prostate cancer link.

Fortunately, the news about prostate cancer is not all that bad. Several other nutrients, vitamins and minerals have been given a gold star for their potential to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Fructose (fruit), selenium (seafood, mushrooms, grains), vitamin D (sunshine), vitamin E (nuts, seeds, green vegetables), lycopene (tomatoes), soy ... Wait a minute ... I did not mention soy in the discussion of men's health? Oh, yes, it seems that prospective studies in the USA shows 70% reduction in risk of prostate cancer among men who consumed more than one serving of soy milk a day.

Until the medical community remains uncertain, there will be no shortage of clinical trials and interpretation of resolving the matter of diet and prostate cancer. Below is a list of our resources, articles and publications on this topic more in depth as follows:

, "Harvard researchers link prostate cancer and calcium intake in the diet" - CNN -

vegan diet "Cuts Prostate Cancer Risk" - BBC News -

Nutrition Action Health Newsletter - Preventing Prostate Cancer -

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - "Dairy, calcium and vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition examination Epidemiological Follow-up Study cohort" -

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - "Dairy, calcium and vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition examination Epidemiological Follow-up Study cohort" -

Adventist Health Study - "Does high soy milk intake reduce the incidence of prostate cancer" -

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - "Dairy products, calcium and prostate cancer risk in the physicians' Health Study" -

National Library of Medicine - "Long-term dietary habits affect soy isoflavone metabolism and accumulation of fluid in Caucasian men,"

Harvard School of Public Health - "Calcium and Milk" -

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