Prostate Cancer Treatment

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 23, 2011

Prostate cancer has become a stumbling block among American men to enjoy a quality of life. Almost all of these people who have retired from their work to enjoy the fruits of their labor for so many years, but their desire to use their remaining years and the pension is set aside, because many of them, if not all suffer from prostate cancer .

Prostate cancer is caused when abnormal cells begin to attack prostate and other tissues in blizini.Abnormalne cells in due time will form a mass or tumor that tumor.Tip poorly can affect the prostate is malignant. When malignant cells manifest in the prostate region, under the influence of man will begin to feel symptoms.

symptoms common among people living with prostate cancer are unusual urge frequent urination, trouble in making first stream of urine, burning sensation, and painful urination. Other symptoms include pain in the pelvic area and lower back, but not beyond the upper thighs, the presence of blood in the urine and semen.

When a patient is diagnosed to be positive cancer through a combination of tests such as digital rectal examination, prostate-specific antigen test, and transurethral ultrasound, the doctor can be a variety of treatments for patients with prostate cancer.

Speaking of treating prostate cancer, cryotherapy will surely be on the list. Cryotherapy is a medical procedure that uses cryogenic substance in inhibiting cancer cells razvoju.Proces uses a needle inserted into the perineum (the skin that connects the anus and scrotum). The needle is attached to a device containing cryogenic substances. After the needle, the tiny ice balls will be released to the prostate, thereby freezing the cancer cells and prostate.

Another cancer treatment is brachytherapy. This procedure uses seed implants that emit radioactive rays. These seed implants that have the same size of a grain of rice is implanted into the prostate using a special needle that will contain sjemenke.Igla the same way with krioterapija.Liječnik will insert a finger into the rectum to feel the prostate and make sure that the seed implants placed properly and safely. This method works the same way as radiation therapy, in this case the radiation is coming from inside.

Radical prostatectomy is considered a major surgery in the treatment bespomoćan.Cilj procedure is to remove the prostate to avoid further damage to other organs closest to the prostate.

Prostate cancer can be skupo.Pacijent can choose any of the treatments available considering his age, financial ability, the risks and benefits of selected treatments.

More aboutProstate Cancer Treatment

How Prostate Cancer and Testosterone Loss Can Affect Both Men and Women

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Most people think of him as a man's disease, but may affect prostate cancer and men and women.

Indeed, this disease affects the majority of women who know and love the men who fight with prostate cancer and treatment side effects. Even more than other types of cancer, it tends to change the intimate personal relations between men and their spouses and partners. And women are also affected when cancer and its treatment side effects strike their fathers, sons, brothers and other male relatives and friends.

prostate cancer effects on women

Prostate cancer can affect both men and women in several ways. For example, most men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) after prostate cancer surgery or radiation. About 70 percent of men develop ED immediately after surgery, and about 50 percent of patients who underwent radiotherapy developed ED, usually within three to five years after treatment. How could it fail to have impact not only them but their wives or partners?

When the ED or impotence occurs, all too many women survivors have to deal with their spouses' self-doubts about their masculinity. On the other hand, man's loss of self-esteem tends to cut into the intimacy he and his wife once enjoyed. As a cancer survivor prostate, I initially had a lot of self-doubt, without being aware of it. for this reason I withdrew with his wife physically months after my surgery. this is an adverse impact on both of us.

In addition, the disease is to reduce the impact of sexual intimacy, many women are also affected by their husband urinary problems. These questions may be short term or long term, as a permanent incontinence occurs in 5 percent to 15 percent of men after prostate cancer surgery (radical prostatectomy) or radioterapijom.Čovjeka incontinence can be a problem for women, if you feel compelled to clean up after their husbands.

for two weeks after my surgery in 2007, my wife lovingly took it upon themselves to clean my catheter bag. In the weeks that followed, while I was still not "tight", she put her urine-stained underwear in the washing machine. Even when a woman takes on care-giving role, she May have difficulty dealing with your partner self-esteem issues that arise from incontinence.

Despite the high survival rate for prostate cancer, most women find it disturbing, if not downright intimidating to learn that the man they love has cancer. Women often experience anxiety and stress just knowing that someone like under duress.

Testosterone Connection

How strange that a broad respect for the web site,, said: "There are certain health conditions that only affect humans, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone." Nothing could be further from the truth, as I have already shown.

What is testosterone - is it true that low testosterone affects only men? It's hard! First of all, a man of testosterone decreases about one percent per year from the time he reaches 40 years. Prostate cancer and treatment can increase the pace of human testosterone loss. I know firsthand about that, because of hormone therapy after my diagnosis, I went down to almost castrate testosterone levels.

Decreased testosterone often leads to increased male anxiety, low libido, increase muscle flab, and increased distractibility. Anyone in close relationship with such people, especially women and partners, can not help but be affected during what I call "MANopause." Add this entry of women in perimenopause and menopause - the time when many prostate cancer cases occur among people -. And you've got the real cause of marital conflict

And what about women testosterone? Just as men's testosterone levels decline with age, so that women testosterone. Of course, her testosterone level was significantly lower than men to begin with. But women continue to lose testosterone, starting about 40 years, along with the loss of estrogen as they age, the influence of a woman's life, often reducing their energy, libido and physical abilities.

What men and women can do

The first step is for couples to recognize that hormonal changes and prostate cancer can affect both men and women. Both partners should seek ways to lessen the impact on their lives and their relationships. In addition to medical prescriptions and equipment options include counseling, support groups and sex therapy to counter the effects of treatment and hormonal changes. Armed with an understanding and knowledge, couples can restore their intimacy, strengthen their relationships and rebuild their lives.

More aboutHow Prostate Cancer and Testosterone Loss Can Affect Both Men and Women

Prostate Cancer Survival Rates in UK

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 16, 2011

There are approximately 25 000 men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in the UK. For these people the risk of dying from their prostate cancer depends on the number of risk factors. For example, if the cancer is confined to the prostate gland at diagnosis the chance of surviving 5 years was 70%. If the cancer has already spread to the bone as it only 20% of women will survive five years. Of all the people who currently have prostate cancer in the UK, about 10,000 will die from the disease every godine.Preživljavanja prostate cancer rate was significantly higher in the developed world - wonder


When the first man was diagnosed with prostate cancer then the doctor who found the cancer (the most "urologist" - a surgeon who specializes in looking after the problems associated with kidney, prostate and bladder) will organiziratiniz tests to assess the risk for that particular pacijenta.Rezultati these tests in turn will help physicians and patients to decide the best treatment for this patient.

prostate cancer tests to help predict survival

1 Prostate-specific antigen or PSA

2 Digital rectal examination or DRE

3 Trans-rectal ultrasound and biopsy

4 CT or MRI scan

5 Bone scan

This is a protein made ​​by the prostate that can be measured on a blood sample for the test krvi.Razina PSA can be increased without the problem of prostate cancer, ie, not all people who have elevated PSA have prostate cancer. Also some people who have prostate cancer will not have raised PSA. However PSA does not tend to increase as prostate cancer grow, invade and spread, PSA can be used to track how prostate cancer progresses or how to respond to treatment.

This is where the doctor feels the prostate through the back passage. It tells the doctor how great the prostate gland, is a cancer can be felt easily, and whether the attacked area in the immediate vicinity.

trans-rectal ultrasound and biopsy
For this test you lie on your side with your knees raised in the chest (the same position as the DRE). An ultrasound probe is then inserted into the back passage. This allows the doctor to see on-screen display space. No radiation that uključeni.Slike on the screen then allows the doctor to insert a needle into the prostate surely take some samples of prostate tissue. Typically, several samples were taken from each area of ​​the prostate. These samples were then sent to a laboratory to be looked at under a microscope. This provides confirmation that prostate cancer is present and tells us how aggressive cancer looks like. Sometimes a local anesthetic is used to help make the process more enjoyable.

CT or MRI scan
This is usually done in x-ray department and involves lying still on the small couch which moves through either a ring (CT) or in a long tunnel (MRI). It is not painful in any način.Slike obtained from this test helps doctors to see whether prostate cancer is still in the prostate or whether it began to fall from the gland to other surrounding structures. It tells the doctor what "stage" prostate cancer is.

Bone scan
It requires you to be shot, and then lie down on a special table where the camera scans the entire body. This shows that if any of the bones in the body are affected by prostate cancer, or whether prostate cancer has spread to the bones.

prostate cancer stage and survival

prostate cancer stage describes how far the cancer has spread and grown. It assesses the mix of DRE and CT / MRI.

T1 stage
This is a very early prostate cancer that can only be seen under a microscope. At this stage, the cancer will not cause any symptoms. Men with this stage are at low risk of their disease may not need any treatment, but nadzor.Izvorni cause of the problem of prostate cancer can be difficult to diagnose.

T2 phase
It was early prostate cancer, but is now big enough to feel the doctor DRE. May it still did not cause any symptoms. It is usually cured if treatment is carried out at this stage and about 70% of men are still alive after 5 years, the average length of survival from diagnosis is more than 5 years.

T3 Stage
This is a locally advanced prostate cancer that has started expanding and fall outside the prostate. This phase would often cause symptoms of the bladder in men. At this stage of the disease the chance of cure with treatment is reduced, however, survival is often about five years.

T4 stage
It is more advanced prostate cancer that attacks the structures around the gland. At this stage there are often secondary, but as bone metastases. If the disease spread is usually incurable, but can be controlled to some vrijeme.Prosječna survival is between 1 and 3 years.

Predicting survival in prostate cancer

Doctors use a combination of risk factors for predicting the behavior of prostate cancer, but cancer does not always act in accordance with očekivanjima.Faktori considered include cancer stage (see above), patient age, PSA level, and how fast it grows, and score.Gleason Gleason score is a marker of how aggressive cancer looks under a microscope and how the gland affected by cancer.

More aboutProstate Cancer Survival Rates in UK

Prostate Cancer Vitamins And Supplements - Which Pills Should You Pop?

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When looking for prostate cancer and vitamin supplements (to hopefully prevent the dreaded disease), you'll probably see a lot of options. Some good, some can not help at all.

Here are a few that may help:

first is not a vitamin, mineral, but


If you have prostate problems in any way, shape or form, or want to prevent problems in this part of the body, then the zinc is needed. In fact, it would not hurt to get your zinc levels tested to make sure that you are not low.

If you are, you'll want to make sure you get enough.

It is important for prostate health.

following a prostate cancer check vitamin is vitamin E.

Vitamin E can be found in nuts, fish and a few other places. It is also extremely important to how your prostate is working properly. It can also help prevent prostate cancer, too -. Because some studies have been done show that it may even suppress the gene that causes the production of PSA

Finally, there is lycopene.

This is a great nutrients for your prostate. You can get it in supplement form if you wish. But even better is that it from food. Tomatoes have lots of lycopene -. Cooked tomato products like pasta sauce and ketchup

You can also get in the pink grapefruit, too.

combined with eating broccoli, you can create a double whammy of prostate cancer protection shield.

and there you have it.

above the prostate vitamins, nutrients, foods and supplements are some of the best you can choose from.

More aboutProstate Cancer Vitamins And Supplements - Which Pills Should You Pop?

The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Prostrate Cancer

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recent scientific studies have shown that diet plays an important role in preventing prostrate cancer in men. So, what people eat and drink and eat and drink can significantly lower your risk of developing this disease.

to drink, green tea contains powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols which fight against a group of cancers, including prostrate cancer.

Two to four cups of coffee a day is recommended and men at high risk should take into account the extract.

International Journal of Cancer Research in January 2005 reported that the study of 1456 middle-aged men concluded that those who drank four or more glasses of red wine per week reduced the risk of prostrate cancer 48%.

Another study showed that drinking two glasses of pomegranate juice daily was beneficial. However, it is a small study, but additional studies are in progress. Like green tea, pomegranate juice is also high in polyphenols.

is recommended foods, especially tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that combats malignancy.

What is nice about lycopene is that cooking improves the concentration so you do not have to be concerned about finding fresh tomatoes, as is the case with other beneficial fruits and vegetables. You can get the maximum benefit from tomato sauce, ketchup and cooked tomatoes.

Lycopene is better absorbed in the company of a little fat. Therefore, we should add a bit of monosaturated fats such as olive oil, tomato sauce. Mixed with pasta makes for a healthy and tasty meal.

recommended that cruciferous vegetables that are high in the fight against cancer, such as agents of indoles and sulforaphane, eat often. Cruciferous vegetables as cabbage, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale and collards. And men who eat six servings of vegetables a day are less likely to develop enlarged prostrate.

soy foods are also important in the diet, such as a rich food source of isoflavones, which are supposed to help balance hormone levels.

, and fatty fish was found to reduce inflammation and protect against metastases.
Men who do not care for wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, herring and black cod can take supplements of fish in the amount of 1-2 grams per day of oil. It is important to choose wild salmon has farmed fish do not offer the same protection.

People who love chili peppers will be pleased to learn that capsaicin, which is responsible for the bitter taste is believed to destroy cancer cells. However, research into the benefits of capsaicin was performed on mice, not people.

flaxseed containing lignans, is believed to protect against all hormone driven cancers including breast, ovarian and bespomoćan.Studija conducted in prostrate cancer patients concluded that daily intake of flaxseed with a low fat diet actually slowed the growth of cancer between diagnosis and surgery.

There May also be the year of the connection between prostrate cancer and prehrane.Harvard study suggests that prostrate cancer in younger men is hormone driven, and inflammation is the main culprit with older men. Therefore, foods that help normalize hormone levels such as soy products and flaxseed may be beneficial for younger men and those that fight inflammation, such as lycopene may be beneficial in the diet of older people.

However more research needs to be done, but none of these foods and drinks are harmful to the body, and that could be helpful certainly make them smart nutritional choices.

More aboutThe Role of Nutrition in Preventing Prostrate Cancer

Do You Have Prostate Cancer Symptoms?

Posted by writer on Monday, October 10, 2011

prostate is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is a small, walnut-sized structure that forms part of the human reproductive system. It wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the body. And that can cause various urinary problems. I suppose it could be a dietary connection with prostate cancer. I am, of course, cured of breast cancer and others are cured from all types of cancer by eating living foods.

Prostate cancer is deadly, but because it is slow growing it can be cured if caught early. Prostate cancer is characterized by 'grade' and 'stage'. The rating is given to show how quickly the cancer grows - the higher the grade, it is likely that the cancer will grow and spread quickly. The size and extent of the tumor will determine its stage. In most men, prostate cancer grows so slowly that people will never even know they have the condition.

Weak or interrupted urine flow, painful or burning urination can be symptoms to watch. One of the most common symptom is the inability to urinate, and if you have this symptom you should get checked odmah.Potrebu to urinate frequently, especially at night is another common symptom.

If you find blood in the urine or semen and have frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips or upper thighs, and can be symptoms of cancer. However, having one or more cancer symptoms does not mean you have prostate cancer. Additional symptoms that may be associated with cancer are bone pain and tenderness, and abdominal pain.

urine can indicate if there is blood in the urine, which May or May not be related to cancer. The second test is usually used when prostate cancer symptoms are present is a digital rectal exam (DRE) performed by your doctor, proctologist or sometimes onkolog.Prostata biopsy usually confirms the diagnosis of cancer.

chest x-ray can be done to see if there is a spread of cancer is called metastasis. Keep in mind that many experts suggest that PSA tests are not reliable and are looking for better ways to diagnose prostate cancer. Also, urine or fluid cytology may reveal unusual cells.

Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire, so consider this carefully before you commit to taking any. Many people simply want the best treatment they can get, but what is important is to choose a treatment that works best for you. What you can do now is begin to understand what exactly your treatment options and what to do first.

is a new therapy to the head that recruits the body's own immune system cells to destroy tumors that could become a new way to treat men with advanced prostate cancer which, if the FDA approves a very individualized treatment. In patients whose health makes the risk of surgery unacceptably high radiation therapy is often the chosen conventional alternative, but I think over whether or not you want to expose yourself to it. And anyone considering surgery should be aware of the benefits, risks and scope of the procedure and how it will affect your daily life.

Be aware that many people these days choose natural treatment options, and waive any surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Some drugs with numerous side effects used for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration. This is the same result as surgical removal of the testicles. Whether radiation is as good as removing the prostate gland is controversial, and deciding which to choose, if any, can be difficult. The body has a memory for all the radiation and surgery has many disadvantages.

If it is decided by more chemotherapy after the first round of chemotherapy, most people get an extra dose on an outpatient basis at a clinic or doctor's office. Prostate tumors require testosterone to grow. Decrease in testosterone levels is used to prevent further growth and spread of cancer. Drugs can be used to adjust the level of testosterone, a hormone called manipulation, but consider this approach carefully.

dietary advice - use flaxseed oil daily in a dark green salatu.Dobre food, natural approach to treatment is to avoid all acidic foods, which are inflammatory, that is, foods that are dead. Eat living plant foods. Drink plenty of pure filtered water, at least a quart a day.

Consider taking liquid cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Buy lacinato kale and juice it into the juicer with some fresh carrots. For easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in raw apples, two or three apples, made ​​in a food processor. Grind flaxseeds in a clean-up old coffee grinder.

Add a small handful of kale or spinach to fruit smoothie and blend well. No one will ever know. Eat at least one, preferably two organic apples with the skin on every day. Put two tablespoons of coconut oil, the kind that is unbleached, unrefined, and undeodorized in smoothies. Coconut oil is the base of plants, animals are not grounded and actually good for us.

Consider places like this, only the starting point where you can begin to learn more about prostate cancer. After diagnosis, you might want to join a support group whose members share their experiences and problems. But be careful, because many May choose to conventional treatment, and if you choose a natural treatment May want to share information with others who use the same approach. It is important to be as informed as possible and read all the latest books, ebooks and research available regarding both conventional and alternative natural approaches.

More aboutDo You Have Prostate Cancer Symptoms?

Prostate Cancer Research Studies Vote 'Soy Yes, Dairy No'

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

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Controversy abounds on this subject, however, numerous studies over the past ten years have shown a solid link between the risk of prostate cancer and dairy potrošnje.Kohortna study just published in mid 2005 by the American Journal of Nutrition showed that men with the highest dietary intake of dairy foods were 2.2 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than men with the lowest dietary intake of dairy products.

First of theories circulated about the rise in IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Hormone), seen in the milk they drink. High levels of IGF-1 are directly associated with various hormonal cancers. Although this theory may still hold some validity, the survey revealed a potential cause of which is further heated debate about milk and prostate cancer, research has shown kalcij.Isto points above the 2.2 times increased risk of prostate cancer for men with the highest dietary calcium intake than those with the lowest. Another study in 2001 to observe more than 20,000 people, and concluded that men who consumed more than 600mg a day of calcium from dairy products was 32% higher risk of prostate cancer than men who consumed less than 150mg of daily calcium from dairy products. This came as quite a shock, because the USDA recommends at least 1200mg of calcium per day for men over 50, and 1000mg for men aged 19-50 years. These studies have prompted more medical research into the possible calcium dairy-prostate cancer link.

Fortunately, the news about prostate cancer is not all that bad. Several other nutrients, vitamins and minerals have been given a gold star for their potential to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Fructose (fruit), selenium (seafood, mushrooms, grains), vitamin D (sunshine), vitamin E (nuts, seeds, green vegetables), lycopene (tomatoes), soy ... Wait a minute ... I did not mention soy in the discussion of men's health? Oh, yes, it seems that prospective studies in the USA shows 70% reduction in risk of prostate cancer among men who consumed more than one serving of soy milk a day.

Until the medical community remains uncertain, there will be no shortage of clinical trials and interpretation of resolving the matter of diet and prostate cancer. Below is a list of our resources, articles and publications on this topic more in depth as follows:

, "Harvard researchers link prostate cancer and calcium intake in the diet" - CNN -

vegan diet "Cuts Prostate Cancer Risk" - BBC News -

Nutrition Action Health Newsletter - Preventing Prostate Cancer -

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - "Dairy, calcium and vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition examination Epidemiological Follow-up Study cohort" -

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - "Dairy, calcium and vitamin D intake and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition examination Epidemiological Follow-up Study cohort" -

Adventist Health Study - "Does high soy milk intake reduce the incidence of prostate cancer" -

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - "Dairy products, calcium and prostate cancer risk in the physicians' Health Study" -

National Library of Medicine - "Long-term dietary habits affect soy isoflavone metabolism and accumulation of fluid in Caucasian men,"

Harvard School of Public Health - "Calcium and Milk" -

More aboutProstate Cancer Research Studies Vote 'Soy Yes, Dairy No'